Postponed, 2022

Thank you to the many volunteers who tirelessly work to make Run the 'Burg a success! If you are interested in volunteering for next year's event, please contact Tracy Brunner, rtbvolunteer@gmail.com.
HAMBURG, NY (November 20, 2018) - J.P.'s Foundation presented Veronica Federiconi, CEO of Autism Services Inc., a check for $70,000. These funds were raised by the Foundation's annual Run the 'Burg for Autism and Golfing for Autism, which have helped to establish and maintain the Autism Services, Inc. Resource Center located at 97 Main Street in the Village of Hamburg.
The Autism Services Resource Center is a community resource offering support and services to the Southtowns communities. The Center provides workshops, outreach activities, respite services and support groups, and features a conference center, the J.P.'s Foundation Art Gallery, and the Kyle Reid Resource Library. For hours and more information visit www.autism-services-inc.org/hamburg-resource-center.
Run the ’Burg for Autism is one of the premier Western New York 5K run/walks. Next year’s Run the ’Burg will take place on June 1, 2019, marking the 9th year of this family-friendly event.

Pictured (L-R): J.P.'s Foundation board members James Tilley, Dave Paulus, Dave Whittemore and Jay Gimlin; Paula Carver; J.P.'s Foundation vice-president Brian Attea; Autism Services, Inc. CEO Veronica Federiconi; board member Jason Reid and J.P.'s Foundation president Bob Brunner.
RTB-TV YouTube Channel Featured Videos:
- RTB TV Presents: Autism Services Poet and Writer, Katie Fiorella
- RTB TV Presents: Facebook Live with Run the 'Burg for Autism Champion, Kevin Smith
- RTB TV Presents: Meet Autism Services artist, Brandon Scott, 2017 Run the 'Burg Honorary Race Start
- RTB TV Presents: Facebook Live with A Leap in Learning Executive Director, Sherry Phillips
- RTB TV Presents: Artists of Autism Services at Essex Art Center
- RTB TV Presents: Facebook Live with US.Foods VP Tom Moses, Jr.
- RTB TV Presents: Race Day Memories
- RTB TV Presents: The Journey to Self Advocacy